Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fire Starter Review by John

My friend John did an awesome job comparing fire starting devices.  Here's what he had to say:

"Fire starting devices. No, these are not matches or lighters. These are based on spark and tinder.

Precondition: All flames were started with a small, thumb sized size of cotton, not treated in any manner. I will review three products.

1) Standard magnesium block with embedded flint.{keyword}

This item was part of the military aviator survival vest for many years including 1995 when I left active duty. This item works, but is not very easy to start a fire using my base line "precondition" of a cotton ball. The Magnesium though flammable, is not easy to light.

Why?  It relies on igniting the magnesium shavings one shaves off of the magnesium block. They do ignite, but it is difficult for a "non - survival situation" person to rely on this item to ignite the baseline "ball of cotton".

2) Second item is called "Spark-lite".{keyword}.

This device departs from the standard "create a spark device", to the device that is combining flint, magnesium and\or other elements in order to create a spark that lasts longer.

Bottom line: This device works very well, and easily ignited a small ball of cotton.
Summary: Apparently military issue. Super cheap. Super lite. Buy metal version if you want ability to change the flint.

3) Blast Match.

As with spark lite, this item can be used one handed. This item will probably last longer than one, non flint renewable spark lite. This item produced more sparks, and more quickly ignited the cotton.

This device has the thickest spark producing rod of any device on this thread. I believe this equates to long lasting device on this thread.

4) Aurora fire starter.

This device works well\Ok. The flint\magnesium stick used to produce spark, is thinner in diameter than any of of the above three mentioned fire starters. As I said... using it's method of igniting fires, is ok, but it does require two hands.

Summary: I recommend Blast Match. Why?? one handed operation ability, reliability, effectiveness, thickness\longevity, and ease of lighting."

Thanks John!

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